You are ready to purchase a home? Perhaps you have already consulted with a lending agent to determine the amount of financing you have available. You may even have already begun drafting a “wish list”. So, what is your next step?
Whether you are looking to purchase your first home or are a seasoned homebuyer, you likely have many questions. Indeed, your situation might be complicated by relocation to a new area or an emotional attachment to your current home. You might be nervous because you understand the importance of your decisions: any errors you make as a result of a lack of planning or poor judgement could seriously impact your financial health. Further, you might have heard horror stories of buyers paying too much or moving to an undesirable area.
The answers to your questions and the solutions to your worries lay in the capable hands of Denise, a professional real estate agent at Century 21 Professional Group. I understand the market and can help you find the home you need for the price you want. I understand the changing market trends and can provide a comparative market analysis (CMA) on the home you wish to buy.
If you would like to fast forward to your free no-obligation consultation, click here to contact me! Or better yet give me a call. - Denise Benoit at 519-771-9011
It is also recommended you take a look at the exclusive industry insider reports found in the “Home Buyers Guide”. You will find answers to a wide range of questions, from the benefits of new homes versus re-sale homes, to ways to save you thousands. Even if they are for a “re-fresher”,…. they are always worth a read…