Ironically the living room is the space that is lived in the least! Many people prefer to spend time in the family room or kitchen; however, it can be a huge waste of good real estate to ignore the living room. Saving the living room for a special family occasion or the holidays is a shame; it’s a room that should be used and enjoyed every day.
Treat the design and décor of your living room as beautiful, useable, and easy – not ‘special’. Think about how you live and what you want the living room to do for your lifestyle. Try using the living room as a multi-functional space for working, playing, and entertaining. Design your living room to be versatile, stylish, and easy to live in so that they can fulfil many roles. Use sturdy but lush fabrics like velvet and linen blends with fun patterns. Look for strong durable surfaces like stone and hardwoods, a variety of floor covering like sisal mixed with hides, persians or dhurries and accents that are amusing, personal and lend humour to the atmosphere.
Lighting is an important factor as well. To create a functional and well-lit space, use a mixture of overhead lighting, table lamps, floor lamps, up lights, reading lights, picture lights and candles.
Try to have enough seating for at least 10 people. Use a mix of sofas, easily moveable side chairs and stools for perching, plus lots of empty floor space for pillows. Tables showcase trays filled with objects that have special meaning but there’s always room for a cocktail or bowl of sweet or savoury treats. You can also incorporate a desk into your living room, which doubles as another server if a party breaks out.
Live in your living room – and don’t just save it for a special occasion or holiday. Use it to its full potential and create a beautiful and comfortable space where you can eat, drink and be merry – everyday!